“The New Jersey Makers Day Board is officially announcing the postponement of New Jersey Makers Day, originally scheduled for Friday, March 20 & Saturday, March 21, 2020. As public health concerns involving the Cornonavirus (COVID-19) continue to grow and develop, public safety is the number one priority. 

With the emergence of the COVID-19 virus, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend discontinuing large gatherings. Doing so can slow the rate of transmission, lowering the number of active cases at one time. This can help us avoid overwhelming the healthcare system. For a more detailed explanation, please visit flattenthecurve.com.

We understand that many registered NJMD locations have already postponed scheduled programs, and we encourage others to follow local procedures and common sense in making decisions about upcoming events. If you do choose to continue with NJMD events, you can communicate your statistics and feedback as originally planned.

Once the State of Emergency is lifted and we can ensure that the public is healthy and safe, the NJMD Board will communicate recommendations for rescheduling events, and we hope that we can sustain the high level of participant enthusiasm for New Jersey Makers Day in 2020!

We greatly appreciate everyone’s flexibility as we all navigate this evolving situation.

Stay safe!”