PRESS RELEASE: PSEG Support Increases Opportunity Across New Jersey for New Jersey Makers Day

January 15,​​ 2018

Allen​ McGinley​
732-752-1166​ ext​​ 15​


New​​ Jersey​​ Makers​​ Day​​ continues​​ to​​ grow​​ heading​​ into​​ its​​ fourth ​​year

The​​ New​​ Jersey ​​Makers Day ​​Executive​​ Board ​​is ​​proud ​​to ​​announce​​ the grant support of the PSEG Foundation ​​of​​ the ​​4th​​ Annual​​ New​​ Jersey​​ Makers ​​Day.​​The ​​statewide ​​event​​ is scheduled ​​to ​​take place ​​at​​ hundreds​​ of​​ locations​​ throughout ​​New​​ Jersey​​ on​​ March ​​9 and 10, 2018.

With​​ participation​​ steadily ​​increasing​​ since ​​2015,​​ last​​ year’s​​ event​​ boasted ​​306​​ sites ​across ​​all 21​​ counties ​​of ​​New​​ Jersey​​ with​​ a​​ reported​​ total​​ attendance​​ of​​ over​​ 85,000. ​​Participating locations ​​included​​ schools,​​ colleges ​​and​​ universities, ​​libraries, ​​museums ​​and​​ other​​ educational organizations.

In ​​its ​​fourth​​ year, ​​New ​​Jersey​​ Makers​​ Day,​​ now ​​a​​ 501(c)(3) ​​New ​​Jersey​​ nonprofit, ​​is​​ able ​​to ​​offer grant ​​opportunities ​​to ​​sites ​​to ​​provide ​​additional​​ resources​​ encouraging​​ making, ​​designing​​ and engineering.​ ​New​​ Jersey ​​Makers ​​Day​​ also​​ focuses ​​on​​ providing​ impactful, ​​professional development ​​and​​ support ​​for ​​participating​​ sites.

The $10,000 grant by PSEG enables New Jersey Makers Day to strengthen its support for hands-on opportunities for creating, crafting, programming, tinkering and a large variety of STEM and STEAM-based learning for all ages in communities statewide.

In ​​a​​ recorded ​​message​​ to ​​2017 ​​New ​​Jersey​​ Makers ​​Day ​​participants,​​ U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ)​​ congratulated​​ makers ​​for​​ being ​​engaged ​​in​​ this ​​proud​​ New​​ Jersey tradition​​ of entrepreneurship ​​and​​ discovery.

“This ​​is​​ an ​​important​​ part​​ of​​ our​​ economy,” ​​said​​ Sen.​​ Booker, ​​“an ​​important​​ part​​ of ​​job​ creation, an ​​important​​ part​​ of ​​innovation, ​​and​​ pushing ​​the ​​envelope​​ of​​ humanity.​​ This ​​is​ a​​ day ​​truly ​​to celebrate,​​ and ​​I​​ love ​​that ​​we, ​​in ​​New​​ Jersey, ​​are ​​keeping ​​it ​​going.”

New ​​Jersey​​ Makers ​​Day ​​Board​​ President​​ and ​​co-founder​​ Doug ​​Baldwin ​​says, ​​“We ​​are ​ecstatic to​​ have ​​PSEG’s​​ support ​​of ​​our​​ statewide ​​initiative ​​bringing​​ STEM​​ and making ​experiences ​​to​​ communities ​​across​​ New​​ Jersey. ​​Their ​​generous ​​commitment demonstrates ​​an​​ unwavering​​ support​​ for ​​STEM​​ and​​ maker-centered ​​experiences,​ education and ​​careers ​​for ​​all ​​New ​​Jerseyans.”

“PSEG is proud to support this ever-growing program that brings science, technology, engineering, arts and math activities and learning to students of all ages,” said Ellen Lambert, President of the PSEG Foundation. “We are happy to continue to support New Jersey Makers Day as it provides hands-on opportunities for all to enjoy STEAM-based learning.”

For​​ more ​​information ​​on​​ sponsorship and support ​​opportunities ​​for​​ New Jersey ​​Makers ​​Day,​​ please ​​visit


About ​​NJ ​​Makers​​ Day
New​​ Jersey ​​Makers ​​Day​​ began ​​in​​ 2015 ​​to ​​enhance​​ community ​​engagement ​​and develop connections​​ among New​​ Jersey ​​residents ​​by​​ collaborating ​​with ​​multi-type libraries,​ ​museums, small​​ businesses ​​and​​ other​​ organizations ​​to ​​promote ​​and ​​explore new​​ opportunities ​​for entrepreneurship,​​ innovation​​ and ​​hands-on ​​learning​​ experiences. In 2016, New​​ Jersey ​​Makers Day​​ was ​​expanded​​ to​​ be ​​a ​​two-day​​ event. New ​​Jersey​​ Makers ​​Day ​​is ​​now ​​an ​​independent 501(c)(3) ​​non-profit​​ corporation ​​and ​​a​​registered​​ New​​ Jersey ​​Charity, and thereby​​ able ​​to ​​accept tax-deductible ​​donations ​​to ​​grow​​ the ​​event ​​across ​​the​​ state. More information​​ about participating in or supporting New​​ Jersey ​​Makers​​ Day​​ can ​​be​​ found at

About the PSEG Foundation
The PSEG Foundation (501c3) is the philanthropic arm of Public Service Enterprise Group (NYSE:PEG). The Foundation generally supports and invests in programs in three areas: community and the environment, education and safety. The Foundation provides grants to organizations in communities served by PSEG and its subsidiaries. More information about the PSEG Foundation can be found at